Thank you for your interest in this bill. To see the details of this bill, and of all the bills that NEA is tracking, please visit our list of legislation related to public education.
Take Action
Take the pledge to show you're ready to advocate for students and public schools!
We are most powerful when we unite as one collective voice. And in 2025, Arkansas students are counting on us to use our voice to advocate for the learning conditions, funding, and resources they need and deserve.
Your voice can make a difference: Together we're stronger. Together we’re heard.
Take Action
Sign the pledge to protect the freedom to read!
Books are for all of us. Whatever our color, background, or ZIP code, we want our children to have an education that imparts honesty about who we are, integrity in how we treat others, and freedom to pursue our dreams.
Certain politicians have denied some children the resources they need for a high-quality education by purposefully mischaracterizing and stoking fears about what is taught in schools and calling for book bans.
Censoring books written by mostly Black, brown, and LGBTQ authors denies students the ability to see themselves and understand our similarities and our differences.
We’re joining together to make sure every student has to look no further than the shelves of their own school libraries to find age-appropriate books that show they are reflected and respected.
Take Action
Take the pledge now to show your support of public schools!
Our students’ success relies on a great team of teachers, administrators, education support professionals, and specialized personnel committed to the growth of every student.
But they can’t do it alone. Whether you’re a parent, student, or a member of our community, it’s on all of us to make sure our public schools and education professionals have the resources they need to create welcoming learning environments where all students can thrive.
Sign the pledge to show your support for the education professionals who ensure our students have what they need to succeed.