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Member Benefits

Your membership in AEA buys you a variety of benefits that help you succeed in your career—benefits you can't get anywhere else like representation, professional development opportunities, legal assistance, news and information, liability insurance, and much more.
Teachers discussing NEA Member Benefits

AEA Member Benefits


Credit Union membership is available to all AEA members and their families statewide. Services:

  • Savings Accounts ‐ IRAs ‐ CDs
  • Auto Loans ‐ Signature Loans ‐ Master Card
  • Free Notary Service to Members
  • Checking ‐ Share Draft Accounts
  • Debit Cards

All these services and more are available to members with a $5.00 share savings account balance. 

For more information:

  • Call: (501) 375-3792 or (877) 580-2429 
  • Fax: (501) 375-4216 
  • Address: 1500 West 4th Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1064

Personal Financial Planning assistance is available at no cost to AEA members. Whether planning for retirement, children's college education or needing to consolidate debts and begin a retirement savings program, members can contact:

  • American Fidelity: (800) 688-4421 or (501) 758-4825
  • VALIC: (800) 892-5558, ext. 87617

These companies have representatives trained to assist members in achieving their financial goals. Tax-Deferred Annuities represent an excellent means for public school employees to achieve their financial and/or retirement goals. Members who select TDA's have the benefit of investing on a BEFORE-tax basis and having the interest earned, accumulate tax-free. Taxes are deferred until you choose to annuitize/take receipt of your invested monies. For more information on TDA options, contact:

  • American Fidelity: (800) 688-4421
  • VALIC: (800) 892-5558 ext. 87617
  • Horace Mann: (870) 308-1513

Members can choose from an insurance policy or a medical reimbursement plan. The insurance policy with American Fidelity provides coverage whether or not you have medical insurance. 

The Cancer Medical Reimbursement Plan (CMRP) requires the member to have a major medical insurance plan. The CMRP will reimburse the member’s primary health insurance plan deductible amount up to $500 per calendar year for cancer and dread disease related expenses. The CMRP will also reimburse any co-insurance or Co-payments the member makes, provided it is a covered expense under your primary health insurance plan (subject to limits in the policy). 

For more information on the insurance policy or medical reimbursement plan, contact:

  • Cancer Medical Reimbursement Plan: (877) 472-6722

American Income Life Insurance Company $2,000 Group AD&D Benefit Provides 24-hour coverage to all AEA members. Each member will be given the opportunity to designate a beneficiary.   

  • Find out more about the AIL Plus Benefits HERE.

This policy provides benefits that are in addition to your health insurance. Members can choose from plans that pay up to $100 daily for hospital confinement and up to $150 for intensive care. You can select a plan to fit your needs and budget. 

For more information, contact:

  • USAble Life, HealthCare Plus: (800) 648-0271 or (501) 375-7200 (Little Rock)

Internal Revenue Code Section 125 "Cafeteria" plans (also called Flexible Benefit plans) allow participating school employees to save on taxes. Health insurance premiums, and unreimbursed medical and dependent care expenses can be paid on a pre-tax basis. Association members should make certain a "cafeteria" plan is available to employees in their district. 

For more information, contact:

  • American Fidelity: (800) 688-4421 or (501) 758-4825 
  • USAble Life: (800) 648-0271 or (501) 375-7200 (Little Rock)


  • Club Pilates - (10% off every month for life; $0 enrollment fees)

Eureka Springs

  • Crescent Moon Beads – 69 Spring St., Eureka Springs, AR 72632 (25% off beads and supplies) 


  • Club Pilates - (10% off every month for life; $0 enrollment fees)
  • The Candy Event, LLC - (25% off @the Farmer's Market and online orders)


  • Larry’s Pizza – 2313 N. Hwy 229, Haskell, AR 72015 (Free 24 oz drink with any food purchase)


  • VIP Nails – 126 S. Hervey St., Hope, AR 71801 (5%-10% off -depending on service)
  • Hebrews 11:1 – 121 S. Main St., Hope, AR 71801 (20% discount on any food or drink item)

Little Rock

  • Club Pilates - Midtowne and West LR locations (10% off every month for life; $0 enrollment fees)


  • Ko-fields - 1039 Hwy 24 East, Prescott, AR 71857 (15% off meal purchase)
  • Studio 67 -211 West 1st St, Prescott, AR 71857 (10% off)
  • V’s Treats - 503 E. Vine St, Prescott, AR 71857 (10% off food purchase) 


  • Club Pilates - (10% off every month for life; $0 enrollment fees)


  • Dela Deville’s Vintage – 120 W. Emma Ave., Springdale, AR 72764 (10% off) 
  • Las Margaritas – 2313 W Sunset Ave, Springdale, AR 72762 (10% off) 
  • Cafe con Chisme – 317 W. Emma Ave, Springdale, AR 72764 (10% off) 
  • Phat Tire Bike Shop – 101 W Johnson Ave, Springdale, AR 72764 (10% off – no labor, no bikes) 
  • Club Pilates - (10% off every month for life; $0 enrollment fees)

Look at What your Buying Power Delivers Nationally!

The NEA Member Benefits (NEA MB) program helps make members' lives better by leveraging the Association's group purchasing power to provide members with high-quality investment, insurance, credit, discount products, and consumer services.

These member-only programs offer prospective members an additional reason to join the Association and current members an incentive to retain their Association membership.

Lower prices are only part of the picture. NEA MB offers financial advice, health resources, retirement planning, and much more.

a woman reading a book with a toddler

No-Cost to You Life Insurance

As a member, you can get NEA’s complimentary life insurance at no cost. However, you must name a beneficiary to be able to activate this insurance.

Popular NEA Member Benefits

hundred dollar bills on top of a tuition agreement

Student Loan Relief

The Student Debt Navigator powered by Savi, submits form and advocates on your behalf to evaluate your best options for loan repayment and/or forgiveness. With NEA Member Benefits, this benefit is free the 1st year, then $50 annually.
a family at an amusement park


Start planning your next big adventure with benefits like $500 travel money to discount travel or buy down the mark-ups from other travel sites.

NEA Auto Buying Program

Member savings on new and used cars—all before visiting the dealership. Potential savings include: $2,000 off if you buy at a certified dealer, $500 accident insurance twice in first year, $500 deductible insurance twice in first year, and an auto expert as a consultant.
educators shopping together

Shopping Discount Marketplace

Powered through Rakuten, members get discounts on 3,500 retailers, including some streaming services and cell phone carriers, as long as purchased through NEA Marketplace.
pet insurance

Pet Insurance

Get reimbursed up to 90% on eligible veterinary bills, and a 5% discount on accidents, illness, and routine care.
a woman working with a calculator and pen and paper

Personal Finance

Take charge of your finances—for today and the future—with NEA Member Credit Cares with exclusive benefits, personal loans, private student loan refinancing, and more.
Discount ticket program

You work hard. Treat yourself to some fun.

Whether you’re headed to your local movie theater, a big game, or going on a trip, the NEA Discount Tickets Program gives you discounted access to entertainment you’re sure to enjoy.
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Ensuring the Success of Every Student.

The Arkansas Education Association is a professional organization for teachers, education support professionals, students and advocates. Our fundamental objective is to work for quality and equitable public education for all of Arkansas students, the betterment of the Arkansas state education system and quality working conditions for educators.