April Reisma is a Learning Lab Special Education teacher for the Pulaski County Special School District, currently serving her first term as the member-elected Arkansas Education Association (AEA) President. Her term began in July of 2023.
April has served as a special education and math teacher in Arkansas since 2009 and has served as both secretary and, and then as the president of the Benton Education Association.
A national board-certified teacher and expert in her field, Ms. Reisma has consistently built upon her professional knowledge, earning a Special Education endorsement through the University of Arkansas, a Master of Educational Theory and Practice from Arkansas State University, and a Virtual Online Teaching endorsement and an English as a Second Language endorsement from Henderson State University. She is also a board-certified teacher in Exceptional Needs through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and holds a professional teaching license through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Her achievements include:
- National Board Certification
- Being named 2016 Teacher of the year by Benton Junior High School
- Being named 2017 Teacher of the Year by AEA
- Appointment to the National Education Association (NEA) Task Force on the Future of Assessments
- Member of the NEA’s Professional Standards and Practice Committee
- 2018 California Casualty Award for Teaching Excellence
Looking ahead, Ms. Reisma intends to help make Arkansas a collective bargaining state and to continue protecting and supporting public education.